
Jared Dietch feat. Adrienne Mack-Davis "I Want To Fly"(Remixes)‏

The latest release on Camel Rider Music is a remix pack from dBerrie and Aron Scott on the beautiful “I Want To Fly” from Jared Dietch featuring Adrienne Mack-Davis. David Berrie under his dBerrie moniker shows why he is one of the top American dance producers on the scene. His remix prominently features the vocal while Aron Scott, the 17 year old French prodigy, goes a little deeper with a banging progressive dub. Both mixes give new life to an incredible vocal performance from Mack-Davis. The results are not to be missed!

 Jared Dietch feat. Adrienne Mack Davis - I Want To Fly (Aron Scott Remix)

Jared Dietch feat. Adrienne Mack Davis - I Want To Fly (Aron Scott Remix) by Camel Rider Music

Jared Dietch feat. Adrienne Mack Davis - I Want To Fly (dBerrie Remix)

Jared Dietch feat. Adrienne Mack Davis - I Want To Fly (dBerrie Remix) by Camel Rider Music

Vía:Jared Dietch


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